Please Support CCMS

Did You Know…

  • Adults and students benefit from CCMS educational outreach programs each year.

  • CCMS offers substantially discounted tickets to students and seniors for every concert.

Your support makes it possible for CCMS to bring live, world-class chamber music performances to Concord and surrounding communities. Ticket sales cover less than 50% of our annual operating costs. Your tax-deductible contribution* will ensure that CCMS can continue to offer the highest caliber of musical performance as well as educational outreach programs for local residents and students.

To donate online, click here.

To make an individual or corporate gift by mail, please download, complete, and mail a sponsorship form:
Individual Support Form
Corporate Sponsorship Form

Matching Gifts
Your employer may participate in a matching gift program. Ask your human resources department. Some employers even double or triple the contribution you make.

Donate Tickets You Can’t Use
If you purchased tickets to a CCMS concert but are unable to attend, you can donate the tickets back to CCMS at any time before the concert begins. Just call us at (978) 405-0130.

Contribute from Your IRA or Retirement Plan
If you have an IRA or similar retirement plan and must take an annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) you may receive a tax benefit by donating to CCMS directly from your retirement plan. RMDs are subject to federal and Massachusetts income taxes however all or some of your RMD may be excluded from your taxable income if donated directly to 501(c)(3) charitable organizations like CCMS. In addition to saving on taxes on your RMD, you can also reduce the amount used by the IRS to tax your Social Security benefits.

Tax-free distributions are known as Qualified Charitable Distributions or QCDs. QCDs must be made during the time period required for the RMD and must be made directly by the retirement plan (you do not take the distribution yourself first and then subsequently make a donation).  If you wish to support CCMS with a QCD, the website of your retirement plan administrator — such as Fidelity, Vanguard, TIAA/CREF, Schwab, or another financial institution — will likely provide an overview of the procedure for making a QCD and provide their form for doing so. CCMS’s Tax ID Number is 90-0008491.

Gift and Estate Planning
lease consider making a legacy gift to CCMS remembering us in your will or estate plan.

Gifts of Life Insurance
CCMS can be named as the sole or partial beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Though this does not by itself carry with it any tax benefits, it is a convenient way to make a gift to CCMS. On the other hand, if CCMS is made the owner of a paid-up life insurance policy and the donor relinquishes all rights to the policy, the gift may be tax deductible. If the policy is not paid-up and the donor continues to make the payments, the payments may be tax deductible. Please note that CCMS does not accept responsibility for payment of premiums on donated insurance policies. CCMS does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. The foregoing material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on, for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

Gifts of Stocks and Securities
A charitable gift of stocks or other securities is a great way to support CCMS and may offer you significant tax advantages. Direct gifts of securities that have been held for at least a year are eligible for a deduction at their current fair market value for tax purposes and you would also avoid needing to pay capital gains taxes on the appreciated value since acquisition. Please contact us if you are interested in a gift of stocks or securities and we will put you in touch with our broker.

Concert Sponsorship
With a gift of $2,500 or more, you can dedicate a concert in honor of someone special in your life — a wonderful way to recognize a fellow music lover or someone you wish to remember with the gift of music.

*Concord Chamber Music Society, Inc. is 501(c)3 organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible (to the extent allowed by law).